Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Elihu Project

Who is Obadiah Parker? Oddly enough, Obadiah Parker is a band, not a person. And oddly enough, the frontman, nor any of the former members, are actually named Obadiah, Parker, or any combination of the two first names. Prior to now, Obadiah Parker was rolling as a trio of wonderful musicians making some home grown, beautiful folk songs, with some of the most ASTOUNDING cover songs I have ever heard (everything from Radiohead to Björk). They got their first bout of success by their amazing cover of "Hey Ya" by Outkast, and went on to release their debut EP, along with an amazing live album.

Since the days of live albums and live shows, Obadiah Parker has slimmed down in members. Frontman Mat Weddle's former trio is now a solo act, holding the same timeless name. And he's not about to give up, and is ready to start the long, ardurous journey of producing Obadiah Parker's first original LP. But let's face reality here, it's not easy to professionally record material. It takes a lot of money, emphasis on the "a lot" part. $3,500 worth.

So, how does an independent band from Arizona - a solo act, none the less - raise such an insurmountable amount of currency? Mat Weddle's theory is through fan interactivity! As such, he is starting The Elihu Project. Despite the quirky name, this is how it breaks down: to join The Elihu Project, all you need is to do is pay/donate a single contribution of $10. What does the price of about eight Vitamin Waters or two Starbucks and a coffee cake afford you? With this contribution, you are now subscribed to The Elihu Project, which offers subscribers exclusive video, music, and oodles of other sorts of content, following Obadiah Parker's exploits throughout the process of writing, recording, and producing their first full length LP.

How cool is this, you may be asking? Even if you aren't questioning, let me make you aware, this is probably one of the sweetest things you can do with ten dollars if you're a real music lover. First off, you're directly supporting independent music, offering them handy dandy monetary value to get an awesome album made. Then, you get exclusive content folks may never see! We're talking concepts of songs, demos, and a sneak peak at everything that's going to be on the Obadiah Parker LP. If nothing else, this will be one of the neatest documentary processes ever. Sure, you might have seen Stars' Making of Heart, which came with their album In Our Bedrooms After The War. Maybe you saw the DVD documentary recorded for Eisley's Combinations. But with The Elihu Project, you get to watch an extensive, step by step process of how creating a work of musical art is really like. No fast forwards, no complex time elapsing; just some fresh off the grill creativity!

So where to sign up? Weave through that wallet, scour those purses, and if you're hard up for cash like me, check between the couch cushions. Get $10, and run over to to sign up for The Elihu Project right away. If you're still skeptical, want a more introspective perspective, or just want to check out Mat Weddle's INTENSE beard which is rumoured to intimidate grizzlies, watch the video below. If you're feeling social, don't forget to drop by Obadiah Parker's Myspace, and say hello!

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