Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Band of the Week: Holy Fuck

[March 3-9]
Holy Fuck
Sounds Like: Electronica/Experimental
Drinking Buddies: !!!, The Octopus Project, Wolf Parade
Synopsis: Electronica, improvised!
Makes You Want To...: Dance; Get crunk

One week, one band. You know the drill.
This week, the featured artist is Holy Fuck.

Remember how last week I was down about mid-terms quickly approaching, and had similar music with Monsters Are Waiting? And how I was all happy go lucky and suggested Au Revoir Simone a couple weeks ago? Yeah... well, mid-terms ain't goin' away anytime soon, and us college folk are only going to become more stressed. No more of this dainty-ness; we have got to burn off some steam. I provide the answer.

Holy Fuck wanders from straight out of Toronto, and these guys blaze through the music scene with some wild n' crazy electronica. Now, I particularly have never been a fan of electronica, techno, or most "dance" music. I prefer a more natural sound from bands. This is why I adore !!! - they do the same thing your average techno band does, but with live instruments and a full band. Holy Fuck uses a similar concept.

These boys create fast paced, dance driven electronica, as mentioned. But, they do this without the assistance of laptops, electronic beats, or programmed tracks of any kind, seen rampantly through most other electronica bands. Using just about anything they can find (toy phaser guns, toy keyboards, and film sequencers to name a few, so says Wikipedia) to create their sound, making everything real and live. Their tracks are nearly all instrumental, and ALL are catchy. If you need something to dance to, and have listened to too much !!!, you'll definitely need to be dropping by and visiting Holy Fuck.

Holy Fuck
is currently on tour throughout the United States until the end of March, when they'll be travelling across the big pond, and will be treating those Euros to a taste of some North American expletive. Holy Fuck has two albums as of now, their latest being the blatantly titled LP. Obviously they have a Myspace. But they are currently up for nomination for Best Avant Album of the Year in the PLUG Independent Music Awards. Plenty of bands to vote for in other categories as well, so on the "Junior Super Tuesday," go vote for your presidential candidate stateside (if you can (like me! go Texas!)) and/or vote Holy Fuck and your other favourite bands in the PLUG Music awards. Democracy go!

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