Monday, March 3, 2008

Dallas Does Indie Turn 100!

100 episodes! When talking about nearly anything (at least things that have episodes), hitting that one hundred mark is a huge feat. There are always celebrations and fun times. But when you're talking about podcasts, that's a tremendous feat. ONE HUNDRED EPISODES! Over two years of music, and it's brought to you by the best independent music podcast out there, Dallas Does Indie.

For those who don't know, Dallas Does Indie is a podcast brought to you from Dallas, TX, by music aficionado Jasien Swords who broadcasts the most enjoyable music heard anywhere on the web. Dallas Does Indie is Swords' alternative to the mainstream radio stations that smother the airwaves in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. Since Dallas is one of the fastest growing cities in America, there's a strong demand for independent artists on the radio, and there's simply no outlet. Not until Dallas Does Indie, that is!

Dallas Does Indie is a miracle for the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, featuring rising stars, old favorites, and completely unheard-ofs for the musically contradistinctive of North Texas, as well as the rest of the internet. Essentially, for half an hour per week or longer, you get some great music pumped through your iTunes. Since podcasts are free, it's pretty much the greatest deal you can ever imagine.
Headed by the ever-charismatic Swords, listeners are endowed with some of the best music we can allocate for our Pitchfork possessed ears.

Dallas Does Indie is a must hear, and a must subscribe. Obviously, you can subscribe to the podcast only on iTunes, under the podcast menu. Just search DDI or Dallas Does Indie (if desperate times call for desperate measures, I guess you could also try Jasien Swords), and you're sure to find it.
Don't have an iPod or iTunes?
No worries!
Just link right over to the podcast at
You can download a high-quality mp3 version of the episode straight from the site!

Go snag your copy of episode 100 of the Dallas Does Indie podcast. Jasien mentions all the people who have helped keep the podcast going over the years, myself included (seriously!). Might I say it's a huge honour to be included amongst the ranks of esteemed aides to DDI, and I'm proud to serve! As for Voila, well duh, I love writing here! You'll get your regularly scheduled band of the week tomorrow. Til then, go to DDI, share in the festivities, and if you live in North Texas, try and win some tickets to see Colin Meloy so we can party together in April.

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