Monday, June 29, 2009

Independence With Fanfarlo

It's almost time! Independence Day! The fourth of July, a day of explosions and festivities here in the United States. Not so much in the United Kingdom though, where it's just another day in the week. Well... that was before 2009.

This year, the 4th of July is a big deal, all due from the wow-worthy antics of one of the best new English bands around, Fanfarlo. Recently, Fanfarlo released their debut full-length LP, Reservoir, as a digital download. And it's fabulous, in the very least; in truth, this is one of the best, vibrant, most colourful albums of the year. It's one you definitely don't to miss, and because of how Fanfarlo is now selling their album, you won't have to!

One dollar. One American dollar. Yep, you heard Voilà! right, reader. Fanfarlo is now selling their Reservoir, their debut album, for one dollar until the Fourth of July, when the festivities end. Why? Well, Fanfarlo thinks their album is quite neat, and wants to share it with as many people as they possibly can. And since this album is actually one of the best of the best, then how can you possibly go wrong in purchasing it?! It's complete legit, and you can download the album straight from Fanfarlo's website.

Now, if you'd like to listen to some Fanfarlo's songs, you could wander toward their, or even to their Myspace. But Fanfarlo are the type that likes to treat their fans! To promote this very awesome Independence Day indie music sale, they have filmed several acoustic sets of some of their favourite songs just for you. Watch them right here, because they're absolutely gorgeous. And when you're done, rush over to and download Fanfarlo's debut Reservoir for only $1 until the fourth of July.

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