Saturday, December 1, 2007

Girl Talk.

Tonight, I give you a band, or should I say a man whose remixes will blow your mind, or better yet your ear drums for that matter. As some of you may remember, my first and only blog was about a festival that music listeners would sell a kidney for. Pitchfork Music Festival. Attending the festival that weekend, was re-mixer Girl Talk. He takes samples from music of all types. Ranging from hip-hop to indie. And may I be the first to say he makes it sound GOOD! His songs are unlike any other, and will even have your mother tapping her foot to the beat.

Interested, head on over to his myspace, give him a listen, and throw a dance party if need be.

Knife (Grizzly Bear Remix).
Let's Call It Off (Peter Bjorn & John Remix).

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