Friday, March 27, 2009

Vote Earth! Lights Out at 8:30 PM!

It's time for Earth Hour!

Earth Hour is a celebration of the desire to keep our planet going, and an attempt to aid the massive climate change that is plaguing our world. The goal is to turn off millions of lights, all around the world, for exactly one hour. Starting at 8:30 PM in your local time, you are supposed to switch off your lights. All of them! And leave these lights off for exactly one hour, until 9:30 PM. The fact is, energy powerplants - especially coal powered, which are in the greatest number internationally - create insurmountably massive amounts of carbon emissions. These same carbon emissions are exactly what is clogging up our planet, and heating it up violently - the main premise of climate change.

By turning off your lights, you will cease all the energy your house is producing, meaning that all the carbon that it would normally take to generate that power will not be created. In other words, all that gross gunk and pollution that you're contributing to your local town won't be created! How can you complain about stopping your contribution to polluting the environment, whether you believe or disbelieve the concepts of Climate Change.

Voilà! will be participating too! As best we can, anyway. I, myself, will be turning off all the lights, as well as the television, computer, and telephones. In fact, I may just keep the lights off all day long. Voilà! will also be blacked out all day and night long! That'll be neat.

What do you have to do? When 8:30 PM comes around tomorrow night, in your respective local time, shut out all the lights in your house. Shut them all off, and keep them all off for exactly one hour, until 9:30 PM (in your respective time zone). Light some candles, turn off the TV, and play a board game, paint a picture, stargaze, take a nap, or just relax and take in the calmness. Spend one hour without the lights on... that is all that's being asked. Will you join the movement?

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