Thursday, January 29, 2009

A New Year of Ohbijou

It's a tradition. To be true, there are many who carry out the silly tradition every year; there are also many who fall short of their commitment as well, but maybe that's a little hidden part of the tradition as well. Once a year though, at the beginning of every year, we all resolve to become resolute. That is to say, we make our New Years Resolutions, and commit ourselves fully to our aspirations and endeavours.

Ohbijou has resolutions too. With resolve, the Canadian ensemble is ready and raring to start 2009 with a bang. And what better way to ring in the new year than with some exciting news? All throughout last year, Ohbijou has touted, even teased their humble listeners with word of a prospective album lurking in some mysterious Canadian studio, just waiting to be finished up and shipped off through the speakers. The treat of hearing "Black Ice" many months ago was happily welcomed, and it was a genuine celebration to hear Ohbijou cover "Darcy" by fellow Bellwood Park friends, The Acorn.

But enough is enough! It's almost the end of the decade; almost three years since the release of their debut LP Swift Feet for Troubling Times; where in the world is this magical folk-pop album by one of the best bands out of Ontario? Well reader, you eager anticipation officially has a name and a predicted date of release. Clear out your date planner and get ready for a date with the latest tunes from Ohbijou! Because Ohbijou's new album, officially titled Beacon, will be out sometime this coming April. There's no official release date yet, but Ohbijou aren't exactly anti-social about this - they're every bit as excited as the rest of us - and promise to keep us informed on the latest announcements.

In the mean time, what to do, what to do? Well, you could always pick up Swift Feet for Troubling Times, which has more Ohbijou than you may know what to do with. Then there's always their Myspace, which certainly boasts some lovely songs. And there's this little documentary they released several months ago. But if all this material isn't enough to tide you over, then get your spurs and saddle up a horse, because if you make it down to South by Southwest here in Texas this coming March, you can catch Ohbijou performing live; this is before they launch a North American tour in support of Beacon.

Good news, and what a valiant resolution. Let us resolve, reader, to just a little more patience, to give Ohbijou's celebratory music the chance to enthrall us to its fullest extent.

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