Friday, January 16, 2009

Alright! Alright! Alright!

New Decemberists song appears online for free download, and I swoon in excitement

(let me refresh your memories...)

"Alright! Alright! Alright!"

So says the Rake, one of the many characters that are to fill the songs in The Decemberists' forthcoming LP, The Hazards of Love, due out this March. As a much enthused follower, I typed my way into their website as I am known to do regularly, and to my greatest excitement I was shown a page, illuminated with the above picture, and including a link to download the newest of Decemberists songs, The Rake's Song. I had heard the song prior in a downloaded live show Colin did solo, but to hear it in such form, along with the rest of the musical cast, not to mention how excited I am always when new songs surface, this day became so much better than it had already been. For those equally dying for new material, visit and you will (hopefully) see the same page as I did, and will be prompted to fill in your email address (for the link to download the song) and your ZIP code (for what reason, I am yet to determine, but whatever).

Cheers, and enjoy!