Sunday, June 15, 2008

In Dot Dat Reconvene

North Texas has plenty of fresh and aspiring artists, from Cullen Rollins to Eisley - J Versus K to Organic Groove. But it seems that an old favourite, previously thought buried and gone, is rising from the ashes, and picking up those instruments to play once more.

Before Voilà! popped up around these parts, a humble experimental and post-rock band was building a nice local following in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Known as In Dot Dat, these boys hailing from Denton made some excellent instrumental tunes that were starting quite the commotion. They even released their first album, Tempting The Empty Emptying. Drawing inspiration from distant bands such as the Canadian Do Make Say Think, as well as music icons a bit more close to home, like Explosions In The Sky and This Will Destroy You, In Dot Dat quickly began to make a name for themselves.

Until they broke up...

Strangely enough though, there is activity at the abandoned In Dot Dat camp. The mysterious Dentonite post-rockers have announced their first show since the break up. This Thursday, June 19th, North Texans can check out the phoenix of experimental rock bands, In Dot Dat, performing at Cool Beans (bar), on the roof. Of course, though, if you simply can't wait to catch a glimpse of these folks who are sure to break some speakers in Denton, you can always check out their Myspace. Might I suggest you listen to "X-Wing?"

Now if you'd excuse, I'll be celebrating by listening to "God's Thumb" on repeat.

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