Saturday, May 24, 2008

New Song/New Album by Marry A Theif

In my realization that I tuned all music out during that intense review of Narrow Stairs, I decided it was prudent to hunt for whatever news I had missed in the last few days. Turns out not only did I miss an intriguing event, but also a HUGE event!

The whispers have reached my ears that our lovable friends, Marry A Thief, have released a brand new song, "Falling Out Of Your Dress." Erich Skelton broke out the acoustic guitar for a quiet lamentation involving drunk girls and old relationships in a sweet yet somber song. But since my last visit, I noticed they also have three equally new songs. Fishy, fishy...

New songs have to come from somewhere! So like the sleuth I am, I investigated what I somehow failed to notice when the time was right. Turns out that (much to my own personal frustration) I completely neglected the fact that Marry A Thief just put out their brand new album, I Am Dying To Outlive You, something like three weeks ago! What's more, their album went for sale via iTunes last Sunday. This seven song short-album/long-EP weaves heartfelt lyrics around very well defined and pronounced instrumentation. It seems Marry A Thief is upping the ante with their new, diligently crafted material which would make most other bands blush. Again, how I missed this three weeks ago is beyond me.

On Marry A Thief's Myspace, you can find their latest song, "Falling Out Of Your Dress," as well as three other songs from their latest album, I Am Dying To Outlive You, which is presently available via digital outlets and iTunes. They also have a few other nifty albums, which you can snag off their Myspace as well. And if I lose my mind as thoroughly as I did again, please slap me. I'll need it.


Anonymous said...

You guys are awesome!!! And its not just because of you collin! haha. You guys have awesome talent and im glad its being put to excellent use! Im extremely pleased with what I have heard so far.

Anonymous said...

oh man and I spelled colins name wrong, hes gonna get all worked up!