There are a host of advantages and disadvantages to a music blog like Voilà!.
Here, we tend to do things just a tiny bit different. Us humble writers for Voilà! love to grace your lovely reader self with some of the neatest, most erudite, well written articles we can possibly provide, along with the best of the best news from the music scene. We do so in a very intellectual manner, and our articles are quite top notch and in depth. Sure, anyone can blabber and rant away an opinion to you all the live long day about M.I.A.'s baby's name, and of course you can get some fluffy, shallow, one paragraph long summary of an entire album. But Voilà! wants to go above and beyond such standard practices that are a mockery of the written musical review.
Just one problem... writing can be quite tough! And setting Voilà! to such lofty standards can put us in a pinch sometimes. Okay, yes, we don't exactly update every day. And if last week were any indication, sometimes it's entirely possible that we write next to nothing at all. We're plagued, reader. Plagued by the saddening reality of... well, reality. We're busy folks here, us silly writers. Between school, jobs, and other obligations, it can sometimes get cumbersome to maintain an avid hobby of diligent music literature. We try, but we have our faults too.
I know I certainly do, and we're not talking simply of the slew of grammatical* mistakes I know doubt leave lingering amidst my many articles. I've got a life too, y'know? Between wonderful film watching habits (curse you, Netflix; Heima; Slumdog Millionaire), awkward Japanese literature, (curse you Azumanga Daioh and S.S. Astro), general distractions (curse you Persona 4 and EVE Online), obsessive distractions (curse you, Omegle), a job (curse you, paychecks (jay-kay)), my studies (curse you, higher educational standards), and general living habits (curse you, sleep and hygiene), I for one have a very booked schedule to also maintain properly focused eye on the music that's changing every day. It's tough!
So I sincerely apologize for the lack of happening here on Voilà! in the recent weeks. This is mostly due to the ending of this semester (curse you, college), but it's not excuse to let you - my respectful reader - as they say - proverbially hanging. But come on, if Jeph Jaques can skip a day or two with guest comics and get paid for it, us Voilàians! can skip a few days and slum it. With patience though, I promise Voilà! is going nowhere; picture on a momentary lapse of sanity or a nap. Voilà! still is quite a'buzz with the recent rush of foreign music. Rumour has it that a certain Icelandic band should have a feature article later. I won't say who, to build suspense. I also hear whispers of reviews of several new albums including bands from Reykjavík, Montréal, London, and elsewhere, along with some movie reviews. Intriguing? Definitely.
I'll try to maintain some sort of flimsy schedule as well. How can you help, reader? Well, we're certainly always intrigued in recruiting new writers for Voilà!; drop us a line at [], let us know your interest, and maybe you could be a scribe of the musical variety on this silly blog yourself. Not a writer, but have something you'd like others to know about? Send a shout to the same email about a band that's interesting, or an album that's about to drop; the less we as writers have to do for work, the better (the less we have to buy is also a plus). Heck, if you just want to say hello, feel free to email. We're social!
Voilà! also has been trying to spiffy itself up in the downtime. We have a Twitter; did you know? There's an update thingy down there on the right. You can visit here. We also have a brand new What Is Voilà! section; it's still neat and new smelling, like blueberry muffins or new shoes. There's a shoddy concert calendar for the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, which is definitely out of date... it could be useful? How about our brand new label feature, which shows you every Band of the Week article ever! Sweet.
In other news, did you hear about Explosions In The Sky's birthday plans? How about the brand new Not One, But Two EP by Now, Now Every Children? Dallas Does Indie spewing Sword's SPAM all over the place? Fanfarlo's latest announcements on Reservoir b-sides, or that nifty acoustic performance in Simon's flat? C'mon folks, Voilà! may be getting a little lazy, but you've got to keep up! Have a nice week reader. Voilà! will probably show up again later in the week!
*when spell checking, this word was misspelled.
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